International Center


The International Center has two jobs: to further friendship among international students at Seijoh and to further friendships between the international and Japanese students. It works to assure a relaxing environment for international students so they may devote themselves to their studies. The faculty attached to the Center continually improves this learning environment at Seijoh by examining the research and education of overseas institutions.

  • The work of the Center includes:

  • ・strengthening the agreements already concluded

  • ・concluding agreements with overseas educational institutions

  • ・facilitating the overseas studies and travel of Seijoh’s student body

  • ・planning and carrying out various programs of international understanding both on and off campus

  • ・trying to enroll the best overseas students

  • ・providing International students with thorough support for both studying and living in Japan

  • ・participating in the lectures and symposia by faculty from overseas educational institutions

The Center embodies the three guiding principles of Seijoh University: 1) The variety of culture-focused studies at Seijoh brings about a creation of culture; 2) it broadens students’ views of the world, which engenders a positive world view; and 3) provides concrete occasions for social activities that teach students to give back to society.

The Education of International Students

Seijoh University has established formal relations with many overseas institutions in China, Taiwan, Korea, Mongolia, Bulgaria, and in the United States). Seijoh maintains these relations through faculty visits both from Seijoh and well as to the overseas institutions. In addition, Seijoh carries out interviews and tests to find the best students at our sister schools and then we conduct pre-session Japanese lessons for them on the Seijoh campus. During these lessons, students study Japanese and Japanese culture, which eases their entrance into the life at Seijoh University.

These overseas students will share their studies also with the many students who enter Seijoh University from Japanese-language schools inside Japan.

Whichever group a student belongs to, he or she becomes a member of the International Student’s Association and they can enjoy advice for living in Japan. Through this association, students also find out about the various scholarship funds available as well as about possible living accommodations. Finding a place to live while at Seijoh is not hard. With the support of the International Center, we can introduce a professional company that can assist you in finding a place to live.

The Center also carries out programs for Japanese students. Presently, students have a chance to take part in faculty-led study tours for credit to the United States, Taiwan, and South Korea. Every year our students value the experience of studying foreign cultures.

Campus Life

The following events offer a chance for Japanese and international students get to know each other:

  • ・The welcoming party for new international students – International students wear their native clothes and perform folk dances from their countries. Students play games to break the ice between Japanese and international students.

  • ・Homestay – Members of local International Societies welcome international students into their homes for two days.

  • ・Bus tour – Every year Seijoh offers a bus trip for both International students and Japanese students to such cultural locations such as Meiji Mura.

  • ・Japanese speech contest – Many students have won prizes in a speech contest in which they relate experiences that leave a lasting impression on their audiences.

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